Roof Sealing Maintenance and Care
The importance of roof sealing maintenance.
Sealing your roof is a project that requires time and investment but when done properly it achieves excellent results. Not only does it protect the exterior of your roof from fungi, stagnant water and overheating, it also achieves extraordinary results inside your home, such as reducing temperature and therefore saving energy consumption. But once your roof is sealed, it is common to forget about it thinking that once sealed it no longer requires maintenance. This is a mistake , it is important to carry out regular maintenance to keep it in good condition. Here are some tips to take care of your sealed roof.
Perform periodic inspections.
Periodic inspections will help you identify possible damage or areas that require touch-up. Look for cracks, chips, or signs of deterioration and repair them immediately to prevent water and heat from seeping in again.
Keep your roof clean
As we said above, roof sealing reduces heat transfer, meaning your cooling system doesn't have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. This translates into lower energy consumption and, therefore, a reduction in the costs of your electricity bill. A very important element of the sealing that allows this saving is the whiteness of the sealing. Have you ever wondered why sealants are not painted or a different color? The short answer to that question is that the color white reflects the most sunlight. Any other color, or a dark color, absorbs sunlight and converts it to heat. It is very important to periodically wash your roof, especially if you live in an area where there are a lot of trees and leaves fall on your roof. These leaves accumulate and create moisture and fungus under them, which can compromise the performance and white color of the seal. Keeping your ceiling clean and white keeps your home fresh.
Apply (1) fresh coat of seal
Sealing your roof isn't something you should do every year, but it's important to watch for signs that it's time to refresh the sealing layer. If you notice that the temperature inside your home begins to increase or that your cooling system is working harder than normal, it may be necessary to reapply a fresh coat of sealing to maintain a comfortable temperature and reduce energy costs.
Learn more about our sealants and our great selection of paints made in Puerto Rico by visiting our website www.encopr.com and follow us on our social networks for more important information on how to protect your home inside and out. Paint and Seal Confidently with Enco®.